Social Sciences

Protest Music in Youth-Culture Multi Model Analysis of Music
Protest Music in Youth-Culture Multi Model Analysis of Music
Canay Umunç & Dilek Ulusal
This book is about protest music as youth subculture and multimodel analysis of this type of music. The aim of this study is to reveal the development of protest music from past to present as an extension of the youth subculture, which is among the subcultures against the dominant culture, and to examine the Turkish rap music in this context. The questions that form the review framework of this study include; What is the meaning of populer versus dominant and prevalent culture today? Can popular resistance music be an alternative means of discourse between rulers and ruled? How does rap music constitute alternative manner of discourse in terms of form and speech in the field of ideology, culture and communication? In this book, the video clip “I Can’t Stay Quiet” was taken as a sample since it contains protest discourses. In addition, the rapid spread of the video clip in social media and lots of comments it has taken are also effective elements in the selection of this video clip for the study. The “I Can’t Stay Quiet” video clip has been viewed 39 million times on youtube, has received 1.8 million likes, over 3000 comments have been posted on Twitter and become trendtopic. “I Can’t Stay Quiet” is a 15-minutes video clip of rapper Şanışer and 17 other singers.