Health Sciences

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Belgin Sırıken & Ayhan Güler
Approximately 75 million people died in these epidemics. Spanish Flu (1918-1920) More than 20 million people died. (H1N1), Asian flu (1957-1958), HIV / AIDS (1960), Hong Kong flu (1968-1969) and Corona virus pandemic (covid-19, 2019-2020. It is also obvious that these pandemics, which affect the history and development of humanity, will cause bigger problems in the future with the increasing human population and the depletion of world resources. As scientists, this study aims to provide information to the public about the definition, development and spread of the virus that causes the current Covid-19 pandemic and to present it as a book section to share with researchers.